From the Action menu in the Options tab, select Properties, Filter or Transformation and press Add to define the step. When the Data Wizard object is added, Step 1 is automatically listed in the Summary list of the Setup tab and is ready to be defined. The manipulation of data is defined in the Data Wizard as Steps. Or right-click menu for a worksheet: Send To > Data > Data Wizard. Or Main menu: Insert > Data > Data Wizard. Right-click menu for a Workflow object: New > Data > Data Wizard. Use one of the following to add a Data Wizard object to a Workflow: (If a project created in an earlier version of Phoenix has those options, these objects are loaded and visible.) The Data Wizard provides the property computing, filtering, and transformation operations as well as generating an easy summary worksheet to keep the workflow organized.
It replaces the following standalone tools: Column Properties, Filter Worksheet, and Column Transformation. It also allows changes in the sequence of the operations. The Data Wizard is designed to facilitate repeated data operations on the same dataset.